Eidetic Geocentrism

Physiological sensation accommodates and discerns several degrees of space-motional freedom with great sensitivity. Kinaesthetic equilibria correlate closely with the primary senses of being. These exist as fundamental sensations which cannot be quantita­tively discerned, described, or evaluated.

Those who study sensory systems as quantifiable neuro-responses (via electrical meters) can never give detailed descriptions of stimulus-experience. Quantitative science cannot know exact responses to stimuli because its methods demand separation from anything experiential. Quantified neurological measurements ap­pear as minute and insignificant magnitudes (Reich). Qualitative responses to specific stimuli are inordinately great when compared with quantitative measurements of those stimuli

The divergence between examining neurological dynamics and actual experience reveals the absolute separation between quantitative and qualitative science. Either we observe neurology… or experience it. There is no common ground between these two opposites.

Nerves which sense mass-motion do NOT sense earth rotations. No portion of our experience corresponds with the [1075 foot per second] disequilibrating “drop” through space either. Displace­ments in “space-poise” require far more sensitive perceptive modes than the pressure-activated neurology.

Quantitative observation of experience in organisms never yields qualitative comprehension. Qualitative Science admits hu­man sensation and observations of metacognitive activities during experiment. Qualitative Science permits experiential fusion in and among examined phenom­ena and permits deeper cogni­tion of examined entities.

Qualitative science recog­nizes sensations which exceed the inertio-physiological domain…sensations which are intimately related with organ­isms in conscious space. Quan­titative analysis does not ex­plain or predict the most intimate organismic cognition.

Whenever we are moved in space we know of it… the sensations are distinct and different from those by which we know that a spatial DISPLACEMENT has occurred. Organisms sense DISEQUILIBRIUM with great preci­sion. The important distinction between the two terms forms the foundation of all our subsequent conclusions. Organismic equilib­rium in space conceals a fundamental biological secret

Only qualitative method defines DISEQUILIBRIUM. Disequilibrium is organismic response to specific environmental displacements. Disequilibrium and displacement are two com­pletely different items but may be related in certain phenomena. Equilibrium sensations are exceedingly sensitive and precise. Quantitative science defines and measures spatial DISPLACE­MENT but not disequilibrium because physiological experience cannot be quantified.

Physical displacements are not the only sources of disequilibrium sensations in organisms. Energetic disturbances are capable of disrupting spatial equilibrium in organisms. Strong distal electrical discharges have demonstrated ability in producing disturbing irritability, fear, sleep, and nausea in living beings. In such instances there are no relative mass motions between disturbance and organism Energetic disturbances of all kinds produce specific biological disruptions.

Life-threatening disequilibrium is sensed, feared, and avoided among otherwise placid organisms. Such energetic events effect disruptions among spatially articulate patterns…which externally feed organisms with their life. These spatial patterns are bio- fundamental integrators of the organisms which manifest inertial appearances.

Qualitative experience informs each of us that earth is NOT MOVING. Bio-articulate equilibria evidence the terrestrial rest state. Properly interpreted quantitative analysis provides math­ematical enigmas which confirm this simple knowledge. Are there trans-physiological sensations which must necessarily prevail on a rotating earth surface…despite the historically assumed “neutraliz­ing” effects of gravitation? Is there a qualitative means by which a rotating earth model may be tested to satisfaction?


Quantitative analysis does not offer information about experiential disequilibria. Any motion empirically modifies consciousness and experience. Organisms and masses alike qualitatively experience spe­cific disequilibria. These disequilibria are due to specific en­vironmental “disengagements”. The qualitative species which appear in moving organisms in ground contact should include continuities in:

a) physiological disequilibria
b) perspective distortions
c) eidetic disengagements
d) consciousness disequilibria.
e) continual visceral anxiety

Not one of these supposed sensa­tions are experienced in continuous processions. Qualitative science observes and charts the occasional appearance of certain such diurno-seasonal events… observations which modify our experience during the day and among the seasons.

geocentric orientationFacing eastward should be facing “with” the supposed rota­tional terrestrial motion through articulate life-supplying space. This poise should focus subjective sensitivity upon very distinct and powerful disequilibria. The continuous disorientation of a supposed mobile earth through articulate space must be strongly sensed by all organisms. None of these effects registers the slightest sensation.

Vertical orientation in Qualitative Space establishes organismic equilibrium through articulate extension. Organisms are articu­lately engaged and enmeshed in their life-supplying space. Any continuous disorientation in articulate space dangerously shreds the articulate patterning (auric threads) of organisms. Such violence produces great fear and nausea (motion sickness) in biological systems.

Quantitative examination studies the mass-pressure effects of velocity change on neuro-systems in order to discover the inertial cause of such sensation. An intriguing physiological phenomenon indicates the true qualitative cause of prolonged motion sickness.

Cessation of prolonged centrifugal motions produce inordi­nately prolonged organismic nausea. Sea-sickness may last up to 30 or more hours AFTER disembarking from a ship. Quantitative science has placed the “balancing” neurosensors in the middle ear. Semi-circular middle ear canals offer great resistance however to the continuous flow of liquids which (according to quantitative exami­nation) are responsible for body-equilibrium. Quantitative science must concur that nerves cannot register prolonged stimulation when once long motion has ceased. Some other cause for the continuity of such organismic pain must be found.

Quantitative examinations indicate that violent and continuous motions produce greatly disturbed bio-electric patterns. Contractive bio-electric fields are measured in organisms which are subject to violent and continuous spatial displacements. Such organisms require time in order that these bio-fields again reach equilibrium

Sudden bio-electric expansion articulately appears when equi­librium is again reached. These disequilibrium reactions indicate a specific relationship which bio-organisms have with space itself.

Organisms behave as if articu­lately “patterned” into their liv­ing space. This “patterned living space” extends into both deep ground and space…and yet ex­hibits no relative movement be­tween deep ground and the depths of deep space.

Disequilibrating motions of this environment would be sensed as articulate disengage­ment… disturbing the articulate patterns by which bio-physiol­ogy is actually (externally) sup­plied. The nameless fear which grips us when sufficiently disar­ticulated from our articulate rest- space reveals the secret (spatial) source of life.

Qualitative examination reveals that violently displaced organ­isms evidence articulate disruption in space. Violently moved organisms experience painful disruptions in the articulate pattern­ing which feeds them life. Torn articulate spaces produce prolonged organismic disturbance. Time is required for the restoration and healing of articulate distensions, distortions, and disruptions.