Meanings, Messages & Signals

Comparative radionic examination proves that, in today’s yet-lingering analog market, vinyl records and magnetic, taped media best preserve emotional and eidetic signals. But better than these are the oldest recordings, recordings pressed from masters in bakelite. In order of emotive signal power, the Edison phonograph cylinders are the most powerful radiators of emotive signals. After these, the oddest bakelite disc recordings follow in emotive signal strength. Vinyl follows these, with magnetic tape last in the analog list

Now why do these recordings preserve emotive signals at all? Surely, the phenomenon is an “accidental”. So what is it about the materials and systems which enabled this surreptitious inclusion? Radionic inspection of each media showed that emotive signals were fused with the “record track” in very specific spatial dispositions.

The bakeiite cylinders powerfully radiate emotive components in-line with their trackline, their graphology. Their intensities transcend any other recording medium. Older bakelite discs show that emotive signals are stored on the edges of tracklines, this presumably the result of the transverse needle impression method. Vinyl follows these in emotive radiant strength. Obvious in all of these phonograph inspections was the heavy reliance on carbon-rich matter—bakelite and vinyl—as the recording substrate.

Magnetic media showed a medium emotive presence, with one revealing curiosity. Emotive signals in magnetic media are thrown away from the magnetic track line, to the outer perimeter of tape. The opposition of emotive and magnetic signal conforms with theoretical models which I have discussed in connection with environmental VRIL dynamics. As human aura is a personalized and shared extension of environmental Vril, we must also consider the manner in which recordings move within this environment

Articulate extensions enter recording media as those media can absorb Vril. Historical evidences, taken from telegraphic and telephonic patents, show a heavy reliance on carbonaceous materials. these were empirically found to render greatest abilities in reception, transmission, exchange, and magnification of line signals. Magnetic materials, ferrous emulsions, evidence certain emotive absorptivity, but with indirect storage pattern. Magnetic media irritate Vril articulations. Magnetic domain neutral zones store Vril, which swirls and imprints around the magnetic domains. Magnetic irritants cause an auto-magnification of Vril, storing such signals in tight clusters at magnetic peripheries. Magnetic domains are surrounded with a tight ring of these auric permeations.

Auric inclusions among acoustic signal graphologies determine the radiant strength of the medium. The undulating scratches in phonograph records reveal those endless curves. These are the articulate domains, stored edgewise into the discs, bakelite stored the signals best, vinyl following.

What we observe, when examining progressively modem recording media, is a progressive expulsion of emotive signals from the storage medium. This progression reaches its acme in digital recordings, where the emotive signals have been thrown completely away from CD graphology—the ultramicroscopic perforations. Only faint emotive impressions persist in CD’s. Lacking direct vibrant graphology, they do not store emotive information. This is why they “feel cold”, like something which is dead.

There are those who discuss re-infusing digital recordings with their emotive signals. Using a priority means for amplifying these faint emotive traces, certain designers have successfully “warmed up” CD recordings. The process wears the listener out, producing powerful muscular tides and irritations, the result of excessive magnetic energies used in the process.

In conclusion, the act of communication is the exchange and transaction of patternate auric threads. Systems which best engage these patterns store emotive signals. Analog technique stores emotive signals best, longitudinal impressment of graphology exceeding all successive improvements. Organic matter stores emotive signals best. In these may be comprehended something of iconic mind storage, the eidetic technology of which much has been mentioned.