That Which Is Eternal In Us Must Be Awakened

In ancient China people paid their doctors to keep them healthy. It is said that if one got sick the doctor had to pay them back – certainly a system that should be brought back into use. Acupuncture was originally conceived as an inferior form of medicine; the best doctors would keep their patients healthy and not need to resort to mechanical manipulations of the energy meridians. Where manipulation was necessary they would manipulate it with their own energy, either mentally or with finger pressure. However, acupuncture has evolved into a well-established medical procedure in Asia, and has gained a minimal level of acceptance. You can even go to an acupuncturist on public aid in California and elsewhere.

Some modern acupuncture techniques involve putting electricity into the energy meridians via the needles. The original form of acupuncture involved the energy of the practitioner – they were trained to project their force before they could use a needle to direct it. With the advent of modern approaches to understanding the human energy body has come the grave error of confusing the gross electrical forces with the fine life energies of the body. Keeping this misconception in mind will allow us to read deeper into modern researchers on the subject and understand more fully what is being sought.

Dr. Robert Becker has shown in his work that there is a primitive direct current energetic system congruent to the acupuncture system. The function of this system is to sense injury and effect repair. “Pain transmission is one of the functions of the DC electronic data transmission system. The transmission of DC signals via actual current flow over transmission lines is subject to cable constants such as ‘resistance’. In engineering practice, this is overcome by inserting into the line, at intervals, operational ‘booster’ amplifiers to restore signal strength and maintain intelligibility over distance. Since our data indicate that the operational signal levels of the biological DC system are in the millivolt and nanoampere ranges, one can predict the need for structures functioning as operational amplifiers along the channels of DC transmission. This analysis leads one to consider the acupuncture meridians as DC communication channels and the points as sites of operational amplifier location. If we are correct, the points should show lower resistance and higher conductance than non-point areas of the skin, and both resistance and conductance factors should show an organized field pattern around the point. The points should be discreet sources of direct current. They may demonstrate a polarity indicative of the direction on signal transmission and, when instrumented in series, the points should demonstrate propagation of signal. This concept offers an opportunity to objectively assay the system of acupuncture meridians and points in a scientific fashion within the framework of a viable theory. Such analysis has been in progress and our results indicate that approximately half of the acupuncture points studied exist as real, measurable entities with electrical characteristics as predicted by our theory.”15

The acupuncture points show less resistance of around 50,000 to 100,000 ohms, as opposed to the normal skin resistance of about 1,000,000 ohms. Thus a basic acupuncture detector can be built based on this principle.16,17 Such devices have been built but electrical sensitivity varies from person to person, and the cleanliness and moisture of the skin will vary between individuals. Hence, this is not a fully reliable approach and is not relied on by skilled acupuncturists. However, it is an excellent research approach to objectifying the reality, and no doubt technology in this arena will continue to evolve and become more accurate. As mentioned previously, electrical stimulation of acupuncture points has also come into vogue, an inevitable result of the electrical world view impinging on the natural approaches.

The chakras are major points on the acupuncture meridian system—what Dr. Becker terms ‘operational amplifiers’. There is sufficient physical evidence to support the reality of the acupuncture points and meridians. When these points and meridians are stimulated or blocked with various methods there is a definitive physical change in the body.


It has been known in the orient for thousands of years that this energy structure can be kept at optimum operation through focusing the consciousness upon it – it is consciousness in its grander form. But one of the shortcomings of the oriental systems have been that those of western bent cannot always relate to the various godforms and energies attributed to them. It must be understood that these godforms are merely the cultural masks, and that the Europeans lost touch with their original cultural masks and gained new ones with the advents of Christianity and the Industrial Revolution. But cultural masks are not necessary – there is an archetypal system that will relate to all humanity – there has to be, it only makes sense.

Various internal exercises have been available in the west for many years. Peter Kelder’s Eye of Revelation,18,19 which contains five basic exercises, termed ‘rites’, which stimulate the energy body into action. Riley Hansard Crabb, my mentor at Borderland Sciences who republished Kelder’s work back in the 1960s, related the various exercises to sections of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Another version of these exercises was published as Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth. The exercises are faithfully described in the book, but for some unknown reason the publishers arbitrarily changed the energy centers that are stimulated by the exercises to match their concept of the chakras.20 Now known as the “Five Tibetans” these exercises are quite well known and popular with several videos and numerous books detailing them.

In those books true to Kelder’s original there is a sixth ‘rite’ for men to sublimate their sexual energy up their spine. However, it is not a detailed exercise such as are found in the Taoist system, and there is no information on what women are to do. This shows that the origins of the Five Rites are no doubt authentic, but that the ultimate inner teachings were not given forth. Nonetheless, the Five Rites are an excellent exercise system, both physically and energetically, and are an important introduction to internal work. Great caution should be taken in sublimating the sexual force up the spine. The excited male energy is hot and can cause physical problems if stored in the head. It must be brought down to the navel center through the palate-tongue connection after raising it up the spine. The unexcited energy can be stored in the head and adds greatly to the intelligence and life force of the individual. Naturally, as equal complements of physical manifestation women can also move their sexual energy through their meridians. This is one stage in Taoist Internal Alchemy.21,22