ENDLESS LIGHT: Dr. Thomas Henry Moray

Dr. Moray developed several novel circuits in which these components were combined and staged. Several “COSRAY” receiver models were developed in the process. The intermittent impulses were applied to special capacitors through equally special electrical “plasma switches”. Received burst energy was “leaked” into these components. The system then spilled out their contents into each successive output stage until the accumulation was too enormous to contain. Back surges were blocked by appropriate components. The volume of electrostatic energy poured forth like a sustained lightning bolt.

Dr. Moray developed a strange plasma “tube” in which the mineral was poised. There were several features of this “tube” which may be best comprehended when studying the diagrams. The mineral was poised against the inside surface of a metal crucible, pressed there by several other small beads of another substance. A straight metal cat-whisker touched this conglomerate of beads; the lead from this was drawn outside the crucible. The whole assembly was filled with an inert gas and hermetically sealed. The crucible was referred to as the “tube”. It was a hermetically sealed solid-state composition having a metallic envelope.

This component, with all of its parent samples were soon placed in a large safe after each experiment. Experimental developments in these regards were completely empirical and thoroughly painstaking. But, very gradually, he had developed a number of models whose output energy was truly impressive. His continual work with the design was accompanied by continual private exhibitions. Between the years 1925 and 1929, he performed the tests before hundreds of qualified personnel.

In its most powerful embodiment, Dr. Moray described his “bucket brigade” of multiple staged components. A few minutes were always required in order to “tune in” the receiver. Earlier models required an initial “spark start” which was supplied by a small handheld “frictive” generator. Once tuning was established, the energy would appear immediately, lights instantly reaching full candlepower. Dr. Moray successfully developed 7500 watts through radiant energy conversions. The most powerful embodiments each supplied 50 kilowatts. This output could run the needs of a small factory throughout the day.

On several occasions there were obvious environmental “interferences” which temporarily stalled the activation phase. But once these were overcome, the device operated with a familiar constancy, which defied all physical rule. Sharp hammer blows or physical impacts commonly interfered with the detection process. This was due to the frailty of silver wire contacts touching the “Swedish Stone” inside his special metal tube.

The smaller device served as a solar observatory, a completely unexpected instrument. Dr. Moray could make direct observations of solar pulsations. The device followed solar patterns, producing its most powerful outputs during the day. It also showed a very minor corresponding change during the night. Considering that the outputs were so enormous, Dr. Moray was not disappointed. He was simply fascinated.

The precious mineral became “more precious” when he discovered its rarity. Identifying the material with local varieties of the same, he found to his very great amazement that only the Swedish Stone produced the energetic output. This material was completely phenomenal in nature.

Demonstrations with his vastly improved detector model still required an aerial “absorber”. The pulsating electrostatic output more powerfully manifested with taller and larger surface area aerials. No activity occurred without the aerial and ground connections. Activity also vanished when the aerial was “shorted”, touched, or approached in any way. The earliest photographs show a large outdoor aerial to which the receiver was necessarily attached. The unit was made less attached to this physically stationary poise when a small copper aerial was strung across the room. The need for even this aerial was also eventually replaced by an internally connected copper plate.

Comprehending this requirement demands study of earlier writings. The cosmic rays, which Tesla reported, were “ultra material particles” which were capable of passing through glass. Tesla observed how projective cosmic rays of this kind were literally drawn into metals. This metallic focusing effect allowed a capacitative surface, effectively extending the space connectivity of the Moray detector tube. The detector “tube” was really a sealed metal crucible, the metallic products fused in place and filled with argon. It was reasoned that space rays were focused by the detector’s metallic envelope, just as certain X-Rays can be focused by appropriate metal forms. The copper plate conductively exposed more of the mineral to surrounding space, making it a more efficient focal point for the specific stimulating space rays. The one feature, which Dr. Moray was never able to dispense with, was the ground connection. Ground connectivity alone made this device operate, a characteristic, which was studied with great intensity. His almost daily displays had notable witnesses from the region. The strange “electrical machine” became a topic of great interest among the scientific and corporate communities surrounding Salt Lake City.

Being the size of a tabletop radio receiver, the knob-covered mahogany box generated some seventy five hundred watts of electrical energy. Photographs show that the output from this device was conducted to external appliances by two heavy cables. The total output was strong enough to brilliantly light fifteen two hundred watt lamps. Additional power from this device operated a small flatiron, a heater, and a fan.

He continually claimed that the detector was receiving radioactive signals from the sun and stars. Moray’s device utilized these radioactive signals to a degree, which does not seem possible when contemporary principles are applied. Despite these theoretical boggles, history repeatedly teaches that empirical discovery rules and often contradicts what existing science considers “possible”.

Mysteries surrounded the output currents, especially when they were applied to electrical household appliances. Currents from the Moray receiver were able to raise the candlepower of ordinary household lamps far above their normal output rating. When operating such incandescent lamps, the filaments themselves never lit. But the gaseous spaces above the filaments became a brilliant ghost-white. Moreover, the temperature of the lamps remained externally cold to the touch. Several persons at various times reported that physical movement near the device, whether of the whole body or of hands, could throw the tuning off. This would cause the lights and other attached appliances to “go off’. His new receiver used several special “tubes” in parallel. These “tubes” were hermetically sealed metal containers. A dear friend, Gabriel Mes, machined parts for Dr. Moray. Through Mr. Mes, several European craftsmen in England and Germany fabricated special parts for the tubes. Alfred Burrell, a local jeweler and watchmaker, soldered contacts and fine silver wires. No one else was ever permitted to see or handle the interior of these strange metal tubes. Dr. Moray referred to them as “boosters” in his patent application of 1931 (application 550611).

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