ENDLESS LIGHT: Dr. Thomas Henry Moray

Certain academicians, fearful of what his discovery meant for existing theory, took him to task on both his methods and theoretical assertions. If it were possible, these professorial committees might have convinced even Moray that his device “didn’t work because … it shouldn’t work”. Academicians now wished to study Moray’s diagrams and materials “on their own”. He freely gave them all the pertinent drawings and diagrams concerning the device, but never parted with his original Swedish Stone material. This was secretly and safely locked away from imminent theft.

These professionals, eager to “get their hands on the gadget” cited Moray’s “paranoia” as proof that the device was a fraud. Governmental monopoly being the theme of that time period in America, the extent of a highly coordinated “daisy chain” would now reveal the true extent of its boundaries. The REA was constantly intercepting Dr. Moray’s grant proposals through professional individuals who were connected to nationwide REA activities. These frustrating occupations stalled the development and proliferation of Radiant Energy technology for two decades, while justly deriving no commitment from Moray.

Wishing now to simply publish his findings in the professional journals, he found that “obtaining permission” to do so would “necessarily” come from University authorities. Opposition now came from University bureaucrats who “refused to handle” the information. The very individual who previously congratulated Moray for “having achieved the impossible”, now wrote damaging letters to the very agencies from which Moray hoped to receive funding. Declaring that Moray had “not sufficiently proven the validity of his claims”, these letters seemed to be appearing in every energy-related government office long before Moray’s formal proposals arrived.

In an aggravating display of smug arrogance, academes began to play the “word game” with Moray. It apparently was expedient to prove that the device did not really work! Physicists examined his reports and plans, returning indefinite conclusions. These non-committal verdicts so enraged the patient Moray that he decided to take his material directly to the government institution, which would grant him exclusive manufacturing rights to his designs. If no one else was interested in the discovery of the century, then he certainly would undertake the manufacture and distribution of COSRAY receivers if need be!

The next step was to obtain a patent. In 1931 he decided to assail the patent office with numerous applications. Basing his patents on several different claims, he had hoped that at least one application would be accepted. True to the formula, each such application was returned without explanation. Each was stamped with the official “REJECTED” seal. No title, treatment, or adjustment, which he made ever, seemed satisfactory to the Patent Registry. After this obvious stall action was repeated far too many times to recount, he reached for his last ounce of patience. Trying to take opportunity from the words of those who once sought to diminish his discovery, he inwardly cringed and wrote what he considered his “very last application”. In this, he cited the operation of the device the result of a “new battery action”. He thought that, should the patent court officers not officially recognize the validity of his past descriptions, they would at least grant patent licensing on this descriptive basis. His firm resolve was to stop applying, a costly process, until the obvious shady identities behind the patent rejection process clarified themselves and came forward.

Interceptions at a high level were preventing the proliferation of his revolutionary technology. In fact, coupled with academic cooperation, no journal would ever publish his data. In effect, no one would ever hear the very existence of the Moray device. If possible, no information would ever escape from the inventor’s own immediate neighborhood. Isolating and imprisoning the inventor to small town perimeters became the new regulatory device.

The Patent Officers rejected his last claim, churning out the response, which he also expected. Clearly, there was more behind this merry-go-round behavior than a simple misunderstanding of technical descriptions. He was being stalled for very deliberate reasons. There was no hope of making the Patent Court accept his findings. His was a “no win” situation. Utilities, engineering groups, university personnel, publishers … far too many agencies had already visited the Patent Officers with connections and claims of their own in the matter of Dr. Moray.

Thereafter, he permitted numerous repeat examinations by those who obviously believed him to be a fraud, but eventually lost patience with the skeptics and critics. Here was proof of an enormous phenomenon before their very eyes and all their professional expertise could manage was doubt! Dr. Moray could not waste time with them, moving his research into new avenues and applications. There were many associated phenomena he would discover while experimenting with the Swedish Stone. But social pressures would now seek to divide his time, and far worse.


This phenomenal activity eventually attracted the wrong kind of attention. Of course the radiant energy received by his wonderful mineral was absolutely free, and everywhere plentiful. Its industrial proliferation would trigger a revolution in the power and light utilities around the world. This possibility was not the favored topic of discussion among the local boardroom members. During the Depression, the REA (Rural Electrification Association) was anxious to “addict” as many isolated rural families as possible to the utilities. Forcing such people to accept the electrical utilities may have been “security” for those whose patronage was buying out the government.

Depression was long and hard for all working class Americans. It was difficult to imagine that the upper class was moving into newer investments and higher ideals, while millions of children were starving. Therefore and unfortunately, socialism was the attractive dream of many disgruntled Americans. In those days a seductive utopian dream of economic equality, socialism had none of the negative connotations, which are associated with Stalin and the Cold War. The Soviet Union was simply and naively viewed as a land where workers were all equal, moving corporately toward a common ideal.

To starving, jobless Americans who watched the rich driving through town in expensive cars, socialism was the war cry of the times. But this, of course, was the “party line” with which socialists drew outsiders in. Daniel and John Magdiel, close friends of Dr. Moray, had become members of the Communist Party. Having gained reputation as American Communists, they independently decided to “help” Dr. Moray. Perceiving that their friend was being stalled by the industrialists for good reasons, they decided to take his “cause” to the Russian Government directly.

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