Dr. Ruth B. Drown

Theory and Technique of the Drown Radio Therapy

Dr Ruth B Drown Radionic Pioneer

Dr. Ruth B. Drown D.C.

As a student and follower of Dr. Drown it gives me great pleasure to include a chapter on her work in my book, outlining her techniques and basic philosophy.

I cannot do better than to begin with comments made recently by a leading Radionic Practitioner who wrote:

“When X first came into Radionics in 1953 she had great help from such people as Ruby Hodgson, Mabel Lloyd and Dr. Mary Walker to name just a few. Their diagnostic work was fantastic, the accuracy of which cannot be bettered today.” These three ladies, all of whom I knew, were trained Chiropractors, who were personally taught by Dr. Drown, and I feel it will ulso pay tribute to them when I describe her procedures. I am therefore quoting from her main book, Theory and Technique of the Drown Radio-Therapy.Extracts of Lectures given by Dr. Gladys Shutt Speaking of the Drown instrument she writes:

“It is so constructed that the operator is able selectively to tune in to the various organs, glands and tissues of the body and receive each patient’s specific wavelength. Then, by precise tuning, the degree of variation in that wave-length reception from the normal point can be determined; and the degree of variation in function of that tissue, as well as the variation in energy production and molecular activity can be interpreted.

“Invading organisms and disease tissue formations have their own molecular arrangements; their presence in the body tissues may be detected by tuning in for their particular frequencies in the same manner. Hence the physician using the Drown Method has accurate facilities for differential diagnosis as well as for functional charting of organs, glands, tissues and systems of the body.

Drown Mechanical Detector - Model A-458
Drown Mechanical Detector – Model A-458 – Complete Office Model, three inch screen oscilloscope. I his instrument treats with either original HVR instrument or can be used for special treatment with the new amplifier used in diagnosing with the oscilloscope.

“To be sure, the Drown Instrument is an instrument, not a machine. It is not meant to supplant the physician’s brains nor substitute for them. Its use, like that of the stethoscope, must be combined with wisdom, thoughtfulness and knowledge. The doctor must be able to interpret his functional findings in the light of their possible effects on organic function and pathological developments, and with those possibilities in mind proceed to differentiate between them by using the instrument for detection of their presence or absence. The greater his knowledge of anatomy, symptomatology, physiology, histology, pathology etc., the better diagnostician he becomes and the greater his field of usefulness with this instrument.

“In the same way that the operator tunes in on the various body functions and diseases, he can tune in on remedies for the elimination of those disease vibrations, and the causes producing them. Homeopathic physicians, particularly, have found the Drown HVR Instrument invaluable because of its accuracy and exactness in checking homeopathic remedies both for potency and polarity in the dissipation of those disease reactions received in the instrument.


Extract of lecture given by Dr. Ruth B. Drown HVR Journal March, 1932

Making a Blue-Print of the Body

“Is thorough diagnosis too much trouble? To this question, the average physician who is conscientious and has knowledge of his work will respond with an emphatic ‘no’, but the one who has skimmed over the surface, working only for his degree and not for the knowledge he can gain, will answer in the affirmative.

“Yet in the last analysis the patient really settles the question, for he will have confidence in and remain with the doctor who is skilled, and will leave the one who is not.

“This in our opinion, is why we have patients coming to us continually and who have been to as many as thirty or forty physicians all over the world, and who have found that the detailed diagnosis delivered to them through our work have uncovered the obscure conditions which previously seemed so difficult to locate. We, too, would have found the matter difficult were it not for the use of the HVR instrument.

“In some cases we have brought to light a condition previously discovered by another doctor, yet this same condition proved to be only a part of the whole trouble. Consequently, because of the unusual accompanying disturbances, the patient was not relieved of pain and distress when treated.

“In one such instance, a physician in England discovered what appeared to be diabetes, and accordingly gave his patient a diet. (From this diet we knew his diagnosis). However, we found not only the diabetes but also uncovered the fact that at its base was a tubercular condition of the Islands of Langerhans in the tail of the pancreas. An additional factor in the trouble was discovered to be psoas abscess. We located two such abscesses one on each side of the body. These had affected both hips to the degree that the patient was hardly able to walk.

“We brought to light other resulting conditions and even causes. Had previous physicians on the case discovered all these, they would have been able to aid the patient. Inasmuch as they did not help him, we are compelled to conclude that they did not get to the root of the trouble, because he was healed under our treatment.

“We are continually being questioned by doctors as to the correctness of our diagnosis. We are also constantly being checked by the laboratories, which procedure we welcome.

“It is our definite opinion, after being examined thoroughly on our work by many physicians, and at the same time examining the knowledge of other doctors, that it is the one who has an open mind, who is conscientious, scientific, keenly thorough and always ready to learn, who will accomplish the most and as a result will keep the largest number of patients.

“Many times doctors who have looked over our detailed diagnosis sheet have commented, ‘It is too much trouble to go through all that’. But we have never had a reaction of this sort from a physician such as we have described above. He knows the value of thorough, scientific diagnosis.”