Modern geopolitical regions are Oligarchies, House possessed world regions. Western Europe (WEO), Central Asian (CAO), South East Asian (SEAO), and the several isolated groups in India (IO), China (CO), and Japan (JO). From our accessible ground view, these territories are not connected by national or ethnic unities as much as they are by economic unities (Napolitano). The discovery and acquisition of the New World afforded new territories for certain Houses. Warring House are in sometimes vicious competition with one another. Their sometimes hostile relationship is entirely predicated on the personal ambitions and desires of the oligarch in question. Because the geopolitical regions of each House support the pyramidal point, the actual seat of power, ambitious or warring Houses may attempt hostile takeovers at a great number of levels. One may subvert economical levels, wasting potential capital from a House. One may subvert bureaucracy with “foreign” ideologies. One may actually attempt a forced geographic takeover, otherwise known as a “war. The needs of the House power structure therefore “become” the needs of those who are kept under its thralldom. If wars are waged against the local House, citizens will fight that war. Therefore the military has its prepared intentions; personal survival needs enunciated by the presence of superior command.

Wars find their rational explanations in the manipulations and machinations of warring Geopolitical Houses. If we assume that divisions and separations exist between Geopolitical Houses, cracks as it were in the ceiling structure of society, we find the real origin points of invisible instabilities through which international disputes are most likely generated. This model serves us well in comprehending the operation of nations under superior directives. Perceiving and observing this implicate structure teaches us the real flow of power within the nation, permitting us now to best comprehend the role of military as enforcement agency. Today, oligarchies require a complex labyrinth of mirrorworks by which to divert the gaze of a working class public. Therefore various Intelligence branches are sequestered and used to prepare “operations” well in advance of acquisitions. Military Operations are convenient “excuses” for imperialistic acquisitions, excuses for the eyes of a now-watching world.

Since there are rarely any viable reasons for armed conflicts or escalations leading to land invasions of foreign territories, we are led to consider the possibilities toward which the aforementioned geopolitical model invariably leads. One does not imagine that mildly frictive relationships between neighboring nations can realistically mount from violent acts to declarations of war without the stimulations of a catalytic agency. Geopolitical Houses, their nations, and their military aggregates explain the movements of military might in prearranged seasons. Warring Geopolitical Houses prompt their military aggregates to develop superior weaponry in the event that external hostilities bring land assaults to the borders of their authority. On their behalf, and by their explicit permission, military is to develop weapons, but never to become a private power unto themselves. Only those who dictate move power. Those who obey receive permissions. But now, do the words of rule always carry the greater force? Are there natural emerging phenomena whose unexpected manifestation reveals the limits of oligarchy and rule?

Because of the potentials afforded through new ventures, and the limited world extent of powerful exercise, Houses are never in mutually benign relationship. Since so much of the world is owned, the acquisitions of one House are necessarily the loss of another. The fundamental rules of supply and demand are thus apparently quite intact at even these high extra-social levels. It is only at successively lower social levels that manipulations can be so direct and complete. Oligarchs arrange economic depressions and recessions at their own convenience and in fulfillment of their own desires for their regions. But these actions among geopolitical power centers, among pyramidal structures, are more slowly applicable. As each geopolitical House strives against the others, there is a slow and creeping forward of progress attempting its exertions toward total world rule. When those exertions become necessarily quickened by internal circumstance, of which we may only guess, wars result.

Geopolitical Houses war over the control of geopolitical regions, the boundaries of which have been clearly delineated by traditional conflicts and subsequent diplomatic persuasions among the same. In this model, the continual exertions of military force and international manifestations of violence is explained by opposing Houses whose violent relationships are founded in centuries’ old conflict. Warring Geopolitical Houses produce the defined geopolitical splits, both historical and contemporary, which appear across the world. The nature of oligarchic rule and the permeating power locally exerted by that superior command become the personal need and liability of the entire society. Gathered by each House, the complex collection of governments, bureaucracies, and citizen-workers all became liabilities in a world of sometimes hostile Houses. Because of these sometimes warring Houses, oligarchs are each necessarily driven to defend their societies and lands through varieties of means. Military means represent the very last line of defense in the conflict. First are those channels through which Houses “communicate”; those economic “messages” which are wordlessly sent throughout the world of pyramids. The Geopolitical Houses each use those nations in which they have based their operations. The working class population labors on their behalf, serving the principle supportive function of profit generation. Geopolitical Houses each require and accrete a corps-cooperatif, a host on which to subsist Drawing life and blood from the labors of their base nations is an occupation of generations. The dreams of the few became the loss of the many.


Tesla and Marconi. The two principle figures in wireless communication have never stood shoulder to shoulder as equals. Misunderstanding kept Marconi from ever comprehending the superior discovery which Tesla had indeed made. It is not believed that he ever recognized the difference between electric RAYS and WAVES. How the relative worth of each seems to loom over the other in importance is as intriguing as he manner in which each was treated by the world. Closest to the source of the divergence, we find that Tesla and Marconi were viewed as complete opposites. In addition, different levels of honor were ascribed to each, with Tesla receiving honors befitting an original discoverer, and Marconi as a blatant plagiarist. Strangely however, this view completely reversed its polarity. The mystery of that shift in esteem from Tesla to Marconi has formed a most startling study in human behavior, for it is believed the two had become separate foci for two very opposed kinds of social forces. Knowing these differences is important to our discussion, since it serves to clarify the reasons for our modern dilemma. Perhaps we may find all of our answers in a particular era when all these issues were being designed. Only an examination of the historical trends which so rigidified the hierarchy of superior command, a hierarchy which does not have its origins within any agency, division, or branch of the government, will provide us with clarified answers. There was time when military interest in matters technological took a decisive turn in the wrong direction.