Eidetic Geocentrism

If the earth’s angular displacement is large enough… then it must be personally felt. Not sensing such a pronounced displacement is extremely significant… and devastating to quantitative heliocentric theory.

Experience is caught between accepting quantitative inertial mea­surements or qualitative sensual experiences… a decision which forever dominates our being and determines what our experiential reality will be.

We see here that a very significant disparity exists between quantitative geodesic calculations and qualitative physiological sensation. According to geodesically determined calculations there should be a significant sensate response to the (supposed) earth rotation. The absence of this sensation is problem­atic… and leads into a most curious series of conclusions.

Theories are accounted worthy of acceptance only when they can show connections, correlations, and equations among very divergent phenomena. Quantitative theories correlate specific por­tions of different phenomena in the inertial space. Qualitative science reveals essential communions among quantitatively incom­patible domains.

I utilize the (supposed) earth rotation as a tool for enlarging upon a fundamentally ancient cosmology… one whose world-view best comprehends and correlates the natural enigmas of experien­tial reality. The fundamental role of perception in both quantitative and qualitative sciences must be addressed and properly inter­preted.

I have been using a battery of very accurate geodesic values to calculate earth surface disequilibria. Anyone may review my calculations and arrive at these values. Each value is precisely calculated for (maximum) equatorial constants… where (according to the rotating earth model) motional displacements and disequilibria should be experienced in their extreme.

These constants constitute certain fundamental geodesic val­ues. They demand the pre-supposition that

a)       the earth is a solid spheroid of specific curvature
b)       is rotating on a relatively fixed axis in vacuum
c)       has its center of gravity in a fixed core focal point

I personally find these three accepted quantitative concepts to be the objectionable conclusions drawn from a specific distortion in qualitative space… but reiterate them for the sake of my calculations. It is possible to prove the existence of a permeating qualitative space…while utilizing the very constants which quantitative science cites as “proof” of an academically accepted terrestrial model.

Earth Geodesy Constants

  • Radius [3963.221] miles.
  • Circumference [24911.22191] miles.
  • Rotational Period [23.9344694] hours per rotation.
  • Rotational Speed [.28913735] miles per second point-disequilibrium

Angular Disequilibrium [.0041666] degrees per second.

a = [.002083333] degrees per half-second
a = [7.4999988] degree-seconds sine angle
a = [.000036177]

In the above two (geometrically exaggerated) diagrams we shall solve for the actual disequilibrium which any sensitive individual SHOULD experience on the equator every experiential second. Diagram 2 indicates a slice of equatorial earth in which we have constructed a very large right triangle. We know the hypotenuse of this triangle as the earth radius.

We wish first to find half the chord which connects both surface points as indicated. This distance represents the actual surface distance through which any observer travels with respect to an imaginary overhanging fixed point

The sine of angle “a” is known by considering the total rotational time through which 360 degrees are precessed. Equatorial surface curvature is [.144556867 miles per second rotation]. We therefore discover that chord section A is [.143377446 miles per second rotation].

We utilize the equation of Pythagoras to determine the actual “drop” (Diagram 1) from curved surface to chord as [1075.018618] feet per second… a staggering value. Quantitative analysis separates, isolates, and quantifies forces in dynamic situations. The (supposed) earth rotation would produce several experiential (physico-physiological) species which may be enumerated and distinguished:

a)       the forward thrust of [0.2891 miles per second]
b)       the continuous disequilibrating “drop” of [1075.02 feet per second]
c)       the forward (headlong) disequilibrating angular displacement of [7.49999 degree-seconds]
d)       the disequilibrating vertical displacement of [7.49999 de­gree-seconds]

Empirical qualitative research continued to discover conscious­ness-modifying effects of “aetheric streams” among natural geologi­cal structures and in specific material configurations. Neither quantitative nor qualitative researchers ever discerned an “aether drift” correlated to the (supposed) rotations of the “earth in space”. Quantitative science took this supposition as proof that no motional reference exists. Quantitative analysis does not recognize the consciousness of space… viewing space as vacuum.

Quantitative space is not a conscious space…because no transducer exists by which space consciousness may be quantifiably measured. Only bio-articulate structures are capable of experienc­ing the consciousness of space itself. Quantitative space is not a biological formative generator… despite numerous exhibitions of spontaneous biological activity in quasi-articulate “inorganic” sys­tems (Brown, Littlefield, Bastian, Kolisko, Fox, Oparin, Reich, et.al.).

Quantitative analysis fails to identify the fundamental distur­bance in which all organisms necessarily experience discomfort. The presence of any significant rotational force would continually produce a life-defying discomfort of great extremes. Such discom­fort is not known on earth.

Fixed mass-points upon a curved gravitating body should produce several dynamic actions such as:

a)       eastward thrusts
b)       upward centrifugal “levitations”
c)       east groundward angular displacements.

Despite insignificantly small forward angular-displacement there exists a disorienting motional component which neither gravitation nor virtual centrifugal forces can neutralize. It is this motional component which must be power­fully felt and comprehended… if it exists at all.

The geotropic sense is evident in all life-forms which subsist in ground-referenced environments. Spatial disorientation produces special responses which are best understood through qualitative sen­sitivities.

The human organism deli­cately senses many varieties and distinctions of movement, displace­ment, disorientation, and disequilibrium. Specific senses detect continuous changes in human perspective… and these senses do not all require changes in velocity for their stimulation. Displace­ments in space are strongly sensed in all living organisms as disequilibria. Displacements may be quantitatively measured—but disequilibria are qualitatively experienced.


Eidetic GeocentrismInterpretation of my findings requires examination of each physi­ological sense resulting from such (supposed) significant movement Quantitative analysis demands specific correlated measurements of motion and sense. Are the calculated large earth-point displace­ments capable of being physiologically sensed at all? If so…by which actual sense organs, sensory systems, or sensory modes must they be sensed? Neurological determinations of stimulus-sensitivity might comprise a thoroughly quantitative examination of possibly felt earth motions.